A There are two extensive categories buy rs gold of deductive board games namely the abstract deductive games which do not follow a theme and the investigation deductive games in which players act out game characters. The mastermind, an abstract deductive game,
is played by two which one makes the code while the other breaks it. The code maker pins up pegs on the game board in a specific pattern and the objective of the game is for the code breaker to guess the pattern of the colored pegs. Another is an investigation game called the Cluedo, which players depict a certain character, has a murder crime scene setting and players try to find out who the suspect of the crime is. Other games that have the same genre include Black Box, Codam and Mystery Mansion.
Adventure board games make players depict unique characters that can acquire gears, augment its abilities and attributes as the game carries on. Released in 1975, the Dungeon created by S. Schwab, David R. Megarry, Steve Winter, and Gary Gygax was the pioneer in adventure board games.